This is my corporate identity/branding project. I chose to do my own sports company because I watch a lot of professional league games on T.V and I actually play one sport which is baseball. All sports have officials calling the games, and I thought it would be cool to have my logo be some sort of scoring signal that happens frequently like a touchdown call. I chose to have my logo going down and pretend the referee is holding a sign that says my company's name. Sometimes referees in sports wear yellow or a different color on their shirts. I chose to use one of those uniform colors to make it look like they sell ref uniforms as well. I think all my company items here look like a matching set. I made sure they all had my logo on them and they had the same color printed on each item so don't contrast one another. My biggest struggle on this was my letterhead because I had to think about what to say even though it wasn't real. My favorite part of this project was my business card because I was able to put all my information on there without any second thoughts.